Thursday, October 28, 2010

What Episode Does Vegeta Call Bulma

'to licerta and ru grillu - The lizard and the cricket

'A licerta and ru griIlu

- ' A licerta - na papara Lets say
- tbsp ffa quannu chimney?
ddiritta Cut 'via
Ppemm'abbicìna ..

'U grillu who goes ssempre, cumulative know
rc and De dde llà satannu,
arrives in a qquannu qquannu
O' nud'arriva mmaì . -

- tbsp mme You're in ccuntare -
The dissed 'na cat
- ' A straight road is ffatta
Mmece pped'allongare! -

Thursday, October 21, 2010

An Example Of A Church Major Donor Request Letter

Book Fair

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Newark Airport To Woodbury Commons

Calabrian' U grillu criticu

' U grillu criticu

'In Ciucci' nnamurata
If fice 'nna ragliata.
-Sing - said 'NNU grillu
Chi-stop' NNU cardillu! -

Cantàu ppue 'NNU cardillu
From above' nu Ristuccia.
- Ragle ccumu 'nu Ciucci! -
ru stessu grillu said.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Culeando Mexicanas Virgenes

'U tamarru el'apuni

'U tamarru el'apuni

Nu tamarru, paglia e ffuma,
S'era mmisu ppemmu asciuma
Pparu paru,
Who' ngrubbatu to 'nna sulagna
den de old chestnut
' U 'lle gave, ppovaracciu,
Nullu 'mpacciu.

-EPP 'ppiatà, nu' nn'asciumare!
The dicìu ru cchiùd'anzianu.
- You 'You're straw de vrusciare,
Vrusciatìla cchiù lluntanu,
CA, Sinnone, to 'study cupune,
Nun cce remains cchiù' nn'apune -
But tamarru, straw and ffuma,
ChiIlu parra and illustrated asciuma!
-Yes, sir, 'a bad ggente
Nn'ha ppe' bbili and ppe 'bbriganti;
Go dicìennu ca ppe 'nnente
' Ncindrillamu to those tAll;
M'apprittati is nu 'ssimu,
puncimu Nun.
You have the de sapire
cchiu tuttu dde 'u vicinatu;
A ttant'anni t'hamu datu
Never' sulu nu regret ?
Pperciò, Lassana earn a living,
Ppe 'Piat, nu' nn'asciumare -.
But tamarru, straw and ffuma,
Chillu Please asciuma and illustrated.
- Nn'hai lassatu intra 'lair is
Always Crisci and CCAMP;
Yes, ru cchiù, ppe' 'nna Simana
NNI cce lassi still stay,
Quann'è ssabatu sciamamu
E ffastidi cchiù 'you a Damu.
Ma si vûe mu te lassamu,
Puru moni, ‘stu cupune,
Dicennìlu e nni nne jamu
Tutti quanti a ‘nnu vulune:
Senza paglia e ssenza fuma,
Cumu s’usa e sse custuma
No’ tra ggente cumu a bbue,
Ma tra apuni cumu a nnue... -
Ma tamarru, paglia e ffuma,
Chillu Please asciuma and illustrated.

Ah, ppe 'Jjuda! Allura you
'U' ra vue cchiù end?
and MMO saw tamarrune,
tbsp ffare SSA and FFA 'nn' apune!
- armed guards, later on,
Fri cummannu mu viniti
A r'assartu everyone! -
Seven apuni - apune forward -
L 'and assartàru ll'azziccàru,
What Arrieta and qquali forward
Quattru para' and puncigliuni,
Ccussì 'nchjnu and ccussì fforte,
Chi ppe' cchir'ascìumicante
For 'ra furminante death.

Ogne apune, Puru illustrated,
'Mparu perzo cindrillu ru,
is to re nne jiu Campalisi;
But Surdo and Ccapitanu,
' nterra STIs,
Murmuraru cchianu chianu:
- 'A mminnitta,
Quann'è ggiusta,
ppe' nnue is ssempre beneditta,
Puru 'to life cust nne! -

Legal Tithing Envelopes

Book Fair

On October 30, 2010 at 18.30 hours at the library Biblos Lamezia Terme (via L. da Vinci, 2) during the manifestation of the Calabrian Book Fair to be held from October 28 to November 1, the present writer's book Victory Butera Butera Vittorio: letters in prose and verse . The center studies

Butera will be present with their own publications.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Music Causing Dizzyness

Calabrian' A Fuina bbona

'A Fuina bbona

Doppu chi 'na Fuina
S'avìadi allupillatu' 'na hen
Affrunta' nna Millard
E 'ra nnu mancu looks.

Cumu- has run ffatta bbona! -
says tapinaru ru, de 'na Grutti.
Spagli-Te! - Ra the rispunne jilona
-E 'bbona ch'èdi abbutta! -

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Deed Of Absolute Sale

'u cardillu Gattu and ru - the nightingale and the cat

'U cardillu and ru Gattu

' Nu Gattu mustazzutu
He ddittu to 'nnu cardillu spinturatu:
- who gave you Chillu ttinutu,
carciratu so many years, Stu
munnu hadi lassatu
and re Campilisi you nn'è jutu. Cumu
miegliu has bbulutu
T'hadi mintutu 'n cruce: mo
But who Puru cca,
De nuovu torn'è lluch
' Nna hopes 'and libirtà,
Ppecchì tte rieste
Intra anchors' ssa one fall? Come niesci fore ...
Tuni who ppe 'De ttant'anni
loving basin
You suppurtatu damage, which is bbinutu
Mo' n order
'U regnu de l'troubles, is
ggiustu ppemmu all
gùodi de Te ssa death
I deserved fruits.
Niesci, cumpagnu. Iu you spalancu 'doors and
De' ssa pardiu de Caggiano:
Ccussì dde mo 'nn' forward
D'Amuri 'nno dde encourages
' Na canzuna, me singing ...
Nne vue synthetic one? -
Rispunnìu ru cardillu.
-Tuni is 'ppieju' and chillu!
And ccu 'ssa Malanova de pitittu
Who hold, cumulative niesciu,' Sugnu frittu!
Pperciò làssame be ...
Tantu to whip ra 'u cce callu haju turnover
And mmiegliu to' nnu carciru rista
finish in Ca ra panza de 'nu Gattu! -

glossary: \u200b\u200b
mustazzutu: mustachioed
unlucky one fall:
cage radius: anger