Bordeaux by night A new order?
words, visions of a possible near future, namely, the crisis that we will pay. From
repartee of the previous post, I started to think. Thus, the capitalist system has been squeezed the world. We have reached a point where everything is saturated, and this crisis can hardly pass without leaving a trace. Needless to say also that the planet's resources are under constant milking. Poverty is increasing, while wealth remains the prerogative of the usual. At this point the number of possible landscapes in our future, and a futurist surely shake your head with the mouth corners folded down. Trying to imagine a possible scenario, an alternative system, I can not think of communism, and its immense failure. The doctrine of Marx was probably winning on paper, but as I said elsewhere, even Bakunin became aware of the risks inherent in that system, a possible generator dictatorships, as is the case then. Communism has created monsters whose bodies fell to the ground and rotting infested nations, dragging those ruinous effects so far. No one will ever believe in such a way of managing a society and economy.
If the antagonist of capitalism par excellence has been deleted from the list, and capitalism, alone and lonely, left alone as the only option, and he himself is profoundly undermined by now, then what is left?
I thought so, and I thought, not a solution to philosophical, historical, scientific, but risky, as always happens when you think about the future. I wondered whether, in broad terms, there was a kind of prediction that until now had not been expelled from almost never true, or at least not so much as to become heavily inaccurate. Taking advantage of that source, I fantasized, reaching certain milestones in my vision of the future, maybe not immediately, but at least near future.
The rusting wreckage of capitalism could be providing its distorted version, in a world consumed and looted. The progress of poverty, the budget in red, the spectrum of popular revolts, and the shadow of the few rich landowners and financiers that they, alone, pulling the strings of the plot in the world, could lead to a point where our current values \u200b\u200bnot only lose validity, but it also makes sense. The extremes of capitalism, rather than its opposite or a pale substitute, a system that takes advantage until the end that feeds on itself, that is not afraid of producing heavy waste. The concept of state deteriorated until it was lost in a sea fruitless for him to privatization, where a nation is no longer able to guarantee its citizens basic rights, or protect it with the police, nor to support it in any way . The loss of the myth of the nation, the cornerstone of the global system.
The multinational corporations are the only islands tax sources of wealth and resources, are determined from state control, became ipso facto non-partisan institutions, above everything and everyone, but this time publicly and without restrictions. While a nation in its poorest parts diveranno wasteland, with riots and sinking in a modern Middle Ages, the parties will become more industrialized and fruitful autonomous entities, which probably will exploit the land above to their own ends.
The real power, since the flow of money, it will be manifest in the form of chi, the flow of money, directed him where he wants at will, similar to what happens now, but with every kind of freedom and unrestricted by legislatures and antitrust systems. By replacing the old state, they will enter into a ruthless corporate war with each other, each contending minimum resource world, even the smallest market share, any new opportunities.
Law enforcement will be a 'private entity that will provide protection only against payment; health care will become the same way a service so unique as to suggest the abolition of the Hippocratic Oath, without control units with higher powers, corporations are free to pollute and exploit the resources of the planet in the wild and reckless, not caring for nothing but the profit of the current fiscal.
My sources are named William Gibson, Bruce Sterling, as well as the illustrious predecessors in the literary movement that made them famous, such as Philip K. Dick, Robert Heinlein.
What I just described is a typical scenario cyberpunk classic, stereotypical at best, I dare say. Yet, thinking back to what I wrote, I do not wonder that I got there step by step, integrating what I know with what is fiction. We will not replicants, artificial intelligence conceited, cybernetic implants, perhaps, but the scenery of the background is terribly plausible.
will be a professional bias, but I can not think of it, this crisis that unfortunately we will pay until the last piece of ourselves.