I realized how rewarding it can be walking around at night by car, and comes out the speakers' View to a Kill "by Duran Duran, and try to sing it well (" Dance into the fire ! The fatal kiss, is all we need! "), dressed in black evening gown, burgundy tie, the only note of color in almost eight years of my life. You go to take the other half of his heart, waiting somewhere, she dressed elegantly, for a Saturday night after the first lot, a long time. It feels as elegant as Roger Moore, perhaps less with Aston Martin, and more than fantasy and lightness.
Then we wonder why no one remember that song, nor of those who sang.
Everyone should know Duran Duran.
But it is already too late, because it comes "Hungry Like the Wolf", and blends in perfectly with the burning desire of the moment ... and everything is put aside for a verse, which alone makes the blood pulsing in his veins.
One is probably blood burgundy, the same color of the tie.
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