Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How Long Before A Pinguecula Goes Away

"... for there is only one thing in the world worse Than Being talked about, and That Is Not Being talked about." The long winding road

... are almost always agree with Wilde, I love it for its truth (almost) absolute.
disappear, be forgotten, it is sometimes worse than death, but although this is also a death, you may also die without sacrificing life.
So, I'm dead.

I remember a quote that I will remain faithful to the English, who I've always loved, linked to three different authors at once, I've always loved, and sculpted into a story that I feel very close. I understand all the immense power just now.

" Johnny Smith: It reminds me of a line from 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow' the last story I read to my class before ... the accident. Ichabod Crane Disappears ... the line goes "As He Was a bachelor, and in nobody's debt, nobody troubled Their head about HIM anymore."
Sarah Bracknell: Is that what you feel?
Johnny Smith: Is What I Want ... what I want. "

"The Dead Zone", by Stephen King, directed by David Cronenberg, 1983 (cited by Washington Irving, "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow")


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