Now it's suddenly become a powerful social glue that can join a network of ideological isolated pockets of people who feel the same way, and often found in minority, but which can now interact synergistically in an exchange of views and ideas. It is the strength of social networks, forums, blogs, online publications, free of editorial and market logics, unencumbered by obligations and patronage, far from the forces of control.
Internet was an outlet for those who could not explain the slow slide of our country, that an old acquaintance has called "a little strange" in a grip of illiberalism, the suffocating narrow gradually decreased the areas of freedom granted by our democratic constitution. And now, the power contained in the network is exploding, but slowly, reflecting who was controlled by manipulation of the media that our country is undergoing a long time. On the Internet, run the video without controls, the news is not sweetened, it is often a direct exchange, from producer to consumer. On the Internet, many people have changed my mind with little, simply because in the end very little truth to demolish castles and castles of lies.
So now the Internet is public enemy number one.
The gesture of wanting to restrict the freedom on the Internet is assumed as puerile, many have tried, others have failed. In China, fake-communist regime where freedom is a rare commodity as a dragon's whisker, they succeeded. Perhaps Italy will dictate a new standard, or maybe someone will wake up just in time, as is happening already in Parliament - by "decree" the proposed Maroni now has become a "draft law", and maybe tomorrow will be a "we were just kidding. The Left always magnifies everything. "
In the meantime, I would like to contribute as a free citizen of the duty to denounce those who, publicly, he tries to attack state offices, organized riots, inciting violence, and committing two of the offenses cited by Maroni and around which all revolves around the accusation is based on which the proposed censure web: incitement to the crime, condoning the crime:
"We will go down, we will not stop half-way, whatever the cost. The tax revolt and protest are part of the liberation struggle in place because the North has boxes full of a delinquent State. "
"Before the robbery delinquent who takes away the freedom of summer, we know how to react and get the target. The protest is not tax the end of the world but a part of the fight for freedom. "
" If Lombardia closes the valves Italy died in five days because they live with the money of Lombardy. The Lombards have never pulled out their guns to do it but there is always the first time. "
These are words of the Minister for Reforms, Hon. Umberto Bossi, a member of the Northern League party, the current ruling coalition together with the right People of Freedom.
Reality is a non-linear dimension, where a straight line can take an infinite number of directions, and generate infinite branching, infinite choices. Such a breadth of possibilities, so imposing a mass of information can be manipulated without an effort defined as excessive. The trajectory of one of those straight lines can be altered by the millions, with no one able to determine what had been previously.
I decided to overlook all the other statements made by the distinguished members of the party which is fiercely Maroni also writing because I give away an easy win on points. A charge of the State, publicly says what is written above, in my opinion cause more damage to the established order than it can make a social network. The real motive of the attack to the Prime Minister is not to be found behind the coalition of ideas and movements that are its resignation, but a person with mental illness, who played with a wave of violence that is probably the underlying motivation that pushes everyone to react as we can: fatigue.
La Russa's words when he says that he had never seen an event like the No B day before, I am surprised. I'm surprised this opposite approach, where rather than understand that it is lost for the people, now the Italians are tired of altars, scandals, jokes unhappy, postponed processes, excess of ego, and especially the absence changes in the decline of which are suffering, we continue to deny, deny, deny always. As if the emperor naked, inveisse against the child who has rightly revealed nakedness.
not undressed, but surrounded by an invisible fabric.
The vision is dramatic, as the man attacked, that before being wounded launched words of hatred to young people who are reacting in the only way they know, challenging who does not give them a voice, who does not give them a debate, those who do not answers to their questions, but only to those journalists coated vintage men in the late evening broadcasts on the public network, whose aim is to mislead the perception of the direction of those straight lines mentioned above.
is a dramatic vision, yes, the hatred that comes back a few moments later, an elderly man disfigured and bloodied in the crowd, impressed by the weight of its own shares, falling down ' high as a sole opinion, as if the Sword of Damocles has finally succumbed to his courageous fight against gravity.
dramatic as the loss of freedom of conscience.
Freedom is a strange animal, which can be heard when there is little, and you do not want too much when there. The freedom fighters is frightening when you are going to nail down and put on a leash, because you can clearly hear all do the same questions: who decides what is freedom and what is illegal? Those who choose for us?
Who will look at who is watching us?
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