Saturday, March 6, 2010
What Is The Difference Between Pruritis Pruritus
Current Air
I read this morning of an important fact: in Italy fewer students choose to follow the time of Religion . Why I'm happy:
The school as an instrument of acculturation and impartial dissemination of knowledge.
As a government body and the social, the school is covered with a noble task and Journal, which is to train the future citizens of Italy and Europe, if not the world, providing them with the foundations to be members of the company Useful to create rather than destroy, to ensure that your life is first useful to themselves, and then to those around us. The training often feeds a purpose, feeding minds.
For these reasons, I do not know what is shared today, the school can not provide partial views on politics or ideology, both fields within which range moves religion. Just as it is impossible to teach children how to take sides in politics, so it should be impossible to try to route them to a particular religious thought. The idea of \u200b\u200bstate religion is an unhealthy idea, which, with its roots in an inglorious past and we all know that all we pretend not to know. A State may not have a religion upon which spring up, because I can not and should not influence the course of a nation, it can not be part of civic and social bodies, has no say in the land management and government bodies, or welfare of citizens. The days of religion and power were going steady and non-open ended for centuries, although even those that "dictatorship and religion are the orgy on the balcony," as someone said, are still much alive. But Italy should not be so, it should not, right? I
slaves who wanted to remove the crucifix from classes, because it is thought a fair and consistent, in line with the democratic spirit of our constitution, with the liberal and libertine that should characterize our national identity. No political symbol, no swastikas, no hammer and sickle, no flag burning, and then nothing idelogici symbols, no crucifixes, no menorah, no crescents, no mandala or lotus flowers. And who has suggested that they were included rather than excluded the crucifix, all other religious symbols, for the sake of pluralism, I say that not only took into account the reduced size of the walls of our classrooms. If I were a parent, I worry about having a large blackboard hung in the classroom and a couple of beautiful maps, rather than a whole wall dedicated to all the abstruse religious symbols as possible - almost as obscure as electoral lists on the walls at the time of the vote.

- I always felt that the school should be an instrument of acculturation and diffusion of knowledge impartial and balanced in the world of ideas, which clearly is not;
- teach religion in the hour of religion is wrong, we should teach philosophy of the hour, and to analytical, not indoctrination techniques from proselytizing;
explain my points of disagreement.
The school as an instrument of acculturation and impartial dissemination of knowledge.
As a government body and the social, the school is covered with a noble task and Journal, which is to train the future citizens of Italy and Europe, if not the world, providing them with the foundations to be members of the company Useful to create rather than destroy, to ensure that your life is first useful to themselves, and then to those around us. The training often feeds a purpose, feeding minds.
For these reasons, I do not know what is shared today, the school can not provide partial views on politics or ideology, both fields within which range moves religion. Just as it is impossible to teach children how to take sides in politics, so it should be impossible to try to route them to a particular religious thought. The idea of \u200b\u200bstate religion is an unhealthy idea, which, with its roots in an inglorious past and we all know that all we pretend not to know. A State may not have a religion upon which spring up, because I can not and should not influence the course of a nation, it can not be part of civic and social bodies, has no say in the land management and government bodies, or welfare of citizens. The days of religion and power were going steady and non-open ended for centuries, although even those that "dictatorship and religion are the orgy on the balcony," as someone said, are still much alive. But Italy should not be so, it should not, right? I
slaves who wanted to remove the crucifix from classes, because it is thought a fair and consistent, in line with the democratic spirit of our constitution, with the liberal and libertine that should characterize our national identity. No political symbol, no swastikas, no hammer and sickle, no flag burning, and then nothing idelogici symbols, no crucifixes, no menorah, no crescents, no mandala or lotus flowers. And who has suggested that they were included rather than excluded the crucifix, all other religious symbols, for the sake of pluralism, I say that not only took into account the reduced size of the walls of our classrooms. If I were a parent, I worry about having a large blackboard hung in the classroom and a couple of beautiful maps, rather than a whole wall dedicated to all the abstruse religious symbols as possible - almost as obscure as electoral lists on the walls at the time of the vote.
teach religion in the hour of religion is wrong, that should be taught in philosophy.
consider what they teach at the hour of religion now and think about this: children are subjected to media bombardment from small-religious, because of parents whose deep-rooted tradition of previous parental constraints, pushing the arms of the Church Catholic their offspring. Since childhood we have been forced to give up good trilling alarm without waking up on Sunday to go to church, to make us poor legs pain in the feet or, worse, those poor knees on the wooden benches of the anti-ergonomic atonement. And then, the Catechism, this obscure instrument of indoctrination that the Church has, which would aim to achieve social status by the dark, and to which we are virtually forced the event that one day - alas - your partner decides to take advantage marriage in the Lateran Church.
So, on balance, the hour of religious instruction at school is a dual, redundant, because the Church has already gained control of the Sunday morning of all children as additional hours of religion. Considering I
religion an interesting philosophy of life, tends to eliminate the side on which religious believers try to convince the neighbors that it is based on real events. All philosophers are trying to convince us that their theories are right, that their thoughts, even confessed to not having yet reached the truth, those who are unable to reach as close as possible. Yet no Kant or Schopenhauer tried to instill their beliefs with all possible means, lawful or not - probably would have been stoned, if we were seriously tempted. But if we drop this unpleasant violent system of proselytism, religion remains an interesting philosophy. It is a fascinating excursus that of its history, as has been influential in the schedules of the power of many companies, its origins, the parallels between different cultures, it is fascinating to discover the hidden meanings of the symbols, gestures and rituals, the power of words. In religion the man is reflected as in no other philosophy, and between the intricate meshes of its mysteries, we find ourselves. What other
philosophy can arouse so much interest of truth hidden in the mysterious and radical action to unravel a complicated moment in a colorful mandala just finished? Infinite charm which is stored in the geometry of the Cube of Metatron and the Flower of Life Tree of life and its Sephiroth? Is the immense sense of power that sends the name of Allah written in the language of Islam, itself a symbol as well as a word.
And all this we lose every day because there was never taught. During the time of religion is thought only to tell stories, but always picturesque equal to themselves, on loaves and fishes, resurrections and boring warnings. Religion should be part of our cultural heritage extended, with the comparative history of all beliefs, not with the surgical examination of the folklore of one of them, led by those who have an interest in driving it for their own purposes. Religion should be a matter of analysis led by those who know some of their mechanisms human thought in history, who knows all the ways in which man in history has begun the search for truth.
consider what they teach at the hour of religion now and think about this: children are subjected to media bombardment from small-religious, because of parents whose deep-rooted tradition of previous parental constraints, pushing the arms of the Church Catholic their offspring. Since childhood we have been forced to give up good trilling alarm without waking up on Sunday to go to church, to make us poor legs pain in the feet or, worse, those poor knees on the wooden benches of the anti-ergonomic atonement. And then, the Catechism, this obscure instrument of indoctrination that the Church has, which would aim to achieve social status by the dark, and to which we are virtually forced the event that one day - alas - your partner decides to take advantage marriage in the Lateran Church.
So, on balance, the hour of religious instruction at school is a dual, redundant, because the Church has already gained control of the Sunday morning of all children as additional hours of religion. Considering I
religion an interesting philosophy of life, tends to eliminate the side on which religious believers try to convince the neighbors that it is based on real events. All philosophers are trying to convince us that their theories are right, that their thoughts, even confessed to not having yet reached the truth, those who are unable to reach as close as possible. Yet no Kant or Schopenhauer tried to instill their beliefs with all possible means, lawful or not - probably would have been stoned, if we were seriously tempted. But if we drop this unpleasant violent system of proselytism, religion remains an interesting philosophy. It is a fascinating excursus that of its history, as has been influential in the schedules of the power of many companies, its origins, the parallels between different cultures, it is fascinating to discover the hidden meanings of the symbols, gestures and rituals, the power of words. In religion the man is reflected as in no other philosophy, and between the intricate meshes of its mysteries, we find ourselves. What other
philosophy can arouse so much interest of truth hidden in the mysterious and radical action to unravel a complicated moment in a colorful mandala just finished? Infinite charm which is stored in the geometry of the Cube of Metatron and the Flower of Life Tree of life and its Sephiroth? Is the immense sense of power that sends the name of Allah written in the language of Islam, itself a symbol as well as a word.
And all this we lose every day because there was never taught. During the time of religion is thought only to tell stories, but always picturesque equal to themselves, on loaves and fishes, resurrections and boring warnings. Religion should be part of our cultural heritage extended, with the comparative history of all beliefs, not with the surgical examination of the folklore of one of them, led by those who have an interest in driving it for their own purposes. Religion should be a matter of analysis led by those who know some of their mechanisms human thought in history, who knows all the ways in which man in history has begun the search for truth.
Since the time of a train of religion Lateran Pacts, which can not be wrong.
This is the easy part: the Church has made a deal with a dictatorial government of fascist of the worst, what has given rise to all modern dictatorships, including Nazism. Any agreement born of such a situation, for me, is to be considered impious, immoral, and those who continue to exploit the constraints is to be considered equally.
The power that has the Vatican in Italy is mainly moral, a oppressive power more than any other, but is supported by another kind of power, rooted through the territory and state agencies and laws, a situation unacceptable in a modern democracy. Italian citizens often do not think all this, convinced that it is just another effect of segregation of mind, a typical automatic psychological attitude of the victim of a segregation accepts his situation, albeit unacceptable, because it is convinced that car is just so .
Moreover, in a country where you appeal to national identity while giving praise to God, as in a famous verse of a minstrel song from unlikely principles, one can not but observe how the thought of identity philosophical and religious identity is inseparable from the national-territorial.
Fortunately things are changing ... also because of factors outside the EU, which once again show us that to be honest citizens, and educated workers, such as integrated families who bring their children to school and they lower the average time visitors to religion, do not necessarily belong to the so-called State Religion. Their rejection of religion leads us to the time a simple reason: with the growth of foreign labor, and the presence of an increasing number of foreigners in various areas within the Italian society, have a sense of time Catholic religion?
the rest of Italy is a country of contradictions and paradoxes, the irregularity as a culture. We are the only country in the world to house an entire state party is run by a religious power, temporal, on balance, to which we give more power every day, in every field. A state that has many properties within our territory, and privileges that no foreign country has ever had in Italy or the rest of the world. A state that has legalized the possession of a claim our souls.
Which is why the statistics on the time of religion can only rise.
This is the easy part: the Church has made a deal with a dictatorial government of fascist of the worst, what has given rise to all modern dictatorships, including Nazism. Any agreement born of such a situation, for me, is to be considered impious, immoral, and those who continue to exploit the constraints is to be considered equally.
The power that has the Vatican in Italy is mainly moral, a oppressive power more than any other, but is supported by another kind of power, rooted through the territory and state agencies and laws, a situation unacceptable in a modern democracy. Italian citizens often do not think all this, convinced that it is just another effect of segregation of mind, a typical automatic psychological attitude of the victim of a segregation accepts his situation, albeit unacceptable, because it is convinced that car is just so .
Moreover, in a country where you appeal to national identity while giving praise to God, as in a famous verse of a minstrel song from unlikely principles, one can not but observe how the thought of identity philosophical and religious identity is inseparable from the national-territorial.
Fortunately things are changing ... also because of factors outside the EU, which once again show us that to be honest citizens, and educated workers, such as integrated families who bring their children to school and they lower the average time visitors to religion, do not necessarily belong to the so-called State Religion. Their rejection of religion leads us to the time a simple reason: with the growth of foreign labor, and the presence of an increasing number of foreigners in various areas within the Italian society, have a sense of time Catholic religion?
the rest of Italy is a country of contradictions and paradoxes, the irregularity as a culture. We are the only country in the world to house an entire state party is run by a religious power, temporal, on balance, to which we give more power every day, in every field. A state that has many properties within our territory, and privileges that no foreign country has ever had in Italy or the rest of the world. A state that has legalized the possession of a claim our souls.
Which is why the statistics on the time of religion can only rise.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Good Slogan For Genital Warts
A weekend warrior ... maybe you is not that way anymore.

I love to define the modern era as the era of the weekend. This word is wrong even in Italian, should not even exist. Coined by a cast of British, American origins, as usual, contains the essence of the neologism more flashy. Still, the weekend is for the sins of a tradition, like almost all things negative and damaging the company that we have inherited, a religious tradition, to be precise, because religion is inherent in all our pass daily - and how could it be otherwise, given that the man is so fragile that not being able to self-enforcing anything, necessitating a divine entity that suggests when to stop working, even. It was God who, in Genesis decided that the Sabbath was to be the sacred day of rest, of Requies , after pulling up a universe from the dust raised by his frowning brow - kills all the biblical poetry, but it is an image more divine, in my view. Then on Saturday, and then nothing, because on Sunday, although nomata "day of God" (from the Latin Domini), was the start of something Again, a new creation, a departure for whatever new course infinite. For the Jews, in fact, the Sabbath is a sacred moment of the week, the day of the sabbath , as suggested by the word itself. And here our culture stumbles, because the conflict between the great monotheistic religions have brought endless disquisitions on what and how many even have to be our day of rest, and the preference of God than on Saturday or Sunday - an interesting question that surely all We wanted to give him at least once in their lifetime.
to solve all was another divine entity of respect: money.
In 1926, Henry Ford, the largest carmaker in the U.S. and a man of wide, very wide view, due to the large amounts of Jews in his factories, the factories began closing on Saturdays, as well as Sunday. This led to large-scale imitation, which departed from the United States before entering into any culture. Thus, Judaism, Jeovah, the powerful God who forgives no one, sweeping away the city with a finger, violent and vengeful angels, the apocalypse, the Bar mitzvah, the kibbutz and the circumcision, we lengthened the weekend . A little bit a hand we also put Jesus Christ in person, began what was illuminated, with his consent in a broad sense to extend the weekend. His his famous " man is not for the Sabbath but the Sabbath is for man , slammed in the faces of the Pharisees, we remained very ill, but is then made into account, I think, that maybe was not as bad as preaching - for once.
Before Saturday and Sunday to witness the eternal burden of theological beliefs on self-induced human destiny, are a string of austere and exotic deities, in multiple languages \u200b\u200band cultures represented, parading without realizing it, with us as we work in the office, we bring our children to school, trying to make ends meet (another good definition, tied to the lunar month).
The Moon Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, the Roman crowd on the week, whether divine heavenly, and next to them another large group of the most picturesque of the Gentiles: Tyr, Wodan, Thor, Freja, all mixed together the Anglo-Saxon names of the week, with the mysterious ... an interesting cross-cultural parallels between all of Jupiter, the god of thunder, a natural element that connects the Thursday Latin, English and German: Thursday, day of Thor; Donnerstag, days of thunder. It is fascinating to know that the weekend we were accompanied by a whole pantheon, and there are not even notice.
And so, the world government, which forces us to spend most of our time in productive activities, gives us the weekend. This dark dilemma consists of two days, 48 \u200b\u200bhours, 2880 minutes, 172800 seconds. What to do? Where to go? Who is?
Often the company cancels and resets in forty-eight hours without even realizing it. He feels a need to need to "life" ... but who knows what ... life is not one that bustles with locals, like the moss between two moldy tree bark, nor is it likely that pounding the keys from behind a screen , and so is well vain search. So hopefully in more of an opportunity, a moment in the balance between "we all can be heroes, just for one day" and "I want to do whatever common people do, trying to incorporate into all possible pseudo-social activity that you forgot to do during the parade of the week, hopefully culminating in what many believe to be the climax any self-respecting good weekend: sexual activity, possibly random, as the discovery of a fine piece of cheese in the fridge and not expired - fortuitous moment and enlightening.
Stun from the work week, stunned by the din finesettimanale, there is no respite for humans, who after all seem to want to be just stunned .
Every now and then, through a barrage of lasers, and a dose of dazzling bass sub-woofer as big as the eye of a Cyclops, emerging from the crowd as a U.S. Marines from the jungles of Vietnam, someone comes up running, lost , with even the smell of alcohol on him. Obviously can no longer, and repeats that perhaps it is no longer the case. Okay, the fight to avoid being set aside by a job that often in human society is dehumanizing, it's tough, but that to avoid being sucked into the black hole of the weekend is perhaps even worse, because it seems like everything but watching from a black hole certain points of view - usually placed through the bottom of a bottle, or the smoke of dry ice.
That person ran away, and walks away, the music died in the distance, shaking his head and the effects of alcohol, and who knows what else, seem to slip away. The alcohol, the social glue that characterizes the weekend of modern man, not like cyanoacrylate, tends to dissolve and fade, and the difference is apparent. Suddenly, the man finds himself alone in the middle of the city, who barely knows where his house because he lives next to a skyscraper that you see from there. Taxi there are none, because they are all around the premises, such as jackals, wild dogs from the stomach of mumbling they yearn only to grab the first victims spotted wandering around, aimlessly. So, he thinks, will have to walk: will be two or three kilometers, it is also fine. Maybe four. It's cold.
Well, the sun is rising again, and tomorrow is the day of the Moon, Monday, that the moon has very little - perhaps a lunatic, what is the point here. Tomorrow is Monday and he already can not remember how I spent these quarantottore. And the worst thing he knows, are the comments of colleagues. "Come on, come on, it's Monday, give me peace!" "I hate Mondays", "there is no worst day of the week", "is Monday, I have not even had a coffee yet and you talk to me about work? ". Yeah. The excuse on Monday and the coffee ... what better way to feel like a wedge driven into some anonymous puzzle that represents the rustic landscapes to paintings by scavengers? is always the same , so predictable, yet no one notices, no one hears about.
And he still has yet to four kilometers on foot. It's cold.
A weekend warrior, a faithful disciple of San Viernes that ... Bidding starts as early as Wednesday ... but maybe not for him any more.
Perhaps it is not never been so .
Weekend Warrior
The rebel of yesterday, tomorrow's fool
Who are you kidding being that cool?
Trying to break away from running
with the pack
But they ain't listening so you've
gotta go back
You're a weekend warrior when
you're one of the crowd
But it's over, just look at you now...
You're not so brave the way you behave
It makes you sick, gotta get out quick
It's all bravado when you're out
with your mates
It's like a different person goes through
those gates
And the game begins
the adrenalin's high
Feel the tension maybe someone
will die...
A weekend warrior lately
A weekend warrior sometimes
A weekend warrior maybe you ain't
that way anymore
You've gotta get out gotta get away
But you're in with a clique it's not
easy to stray
You've gotta admit you're just
living a lie
It didn't take long to work out why
It's hard to say why you got involved
Just wanting to be part
just wanting to belong...
A weekend warrior lately
A weekend warrior sometimes
A weekend warrior maybe you ain't
that way anymore
Some of the things that you've done
you feel so ashamed
After all it's only a game... isn't it?
And after all the adrenalin's gone
What you gonna do on Monday?
A weekend warrior lately
A weekend warrior sometimes
A weekend warrior maybe you ain't
that way anymore
A weekend warrior lately
A weekend warrior sometimes
A weekend warrior maybe you were
never like that at all
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