Here is a nice phrase from the first page, the kind that make your ears stand on end at lunchtime, stuffing the services of Open Studio. But what it actually means "social network"?
analyze one of the most popular social network of the moment, indeed, certainly the most famous: Facebook. Mark Buchanan, author of "Nexus", surely it would just agree with me, but I can not seem to apply the theory of networks with pride to a site like Facebook. Networks dominate our culture, our society, more than any other, and regulate the way we live, changing our lives every day. Now it is true that the principles are fully applicable to Facebook, but this type of social networking, however, moves only stagnant water, which rarely offer something to a mind eager for information. Weather now apparently a minority, non-interactive as the Web sites and blogs, social networks in some way too, although not officially recognized by the usual print labels and monocle. Through a site like Facebook, you can keep in touch with the people they know, not, exchange information, upload their photos, communicate its state of existence at the time.
I joined Facebook. It 'happened by chance because a dear friend invited me there. Auks I took the opportunity to conduct an experiment. After a week and a few days, here is the information and useful services that I got through Facebook:
1) Through a special box, I can write what I'm doing right now. And I've indulged, because I'm a lot crazy, and I love having fun with all the tools for themselves like this. But I did not get anything from this box, apart from losing a couple of minutes per day and realize that I seriously need to revise my policy on the boxes to fill with nonsense.
2) From the home page of my space on Facebook, I can easily see what my other friends are doing, or what they have done while I was gone. Unfortunately, most of the time, information is not useful, since it is limited to tell me that guy did Needless Test # 123, or said in the bulletin of his friend, among other things, to me completely sconociuto.
3) Every time someone "poka", or send me a poke, a sort of trill. Good, but not being in real time, 90% of the time, it is useless just as it is useful to the trill of Windows Live Messenger. And then I spent too much time to understand what the hell it meant to be "pokato.
4) Can I run in the exciting company to complete the personality test dall'indubbia scientific seriousness, the famous unnecessary tests described above, to know what kind of supervillain are, if I meet my girlfriend, how bad they are, what kind of video game characters are. All useful knowledge like a corkscrew in an evening with friends where you only drink beer.
5) Can I use an uncomfortable chat window completely impersonal and aseptic ... from which the person I'm talking about at that time will give me his contact Windows Live Messenger, to be comfortable and use his favorite emoticons, which are not here not at present.
6) I have the great opportunity to go to disrupt a number of people unknown to me but they are among the friends of my friends who do not know exactly why, should be happy about this.
7) Can I allow Facebook to go through my email address for him to catch all the addresses you can imagine, for those lucky chosen to send the invitation to become, for their great delight.
8) I offer you the opportunity to join a very interesting group as "people who have two legs and two arms", or "homo sapiens sapiens", not to mention fanclub of this or that singer, that if I sign up for all those dedicated only to my favorite rock groups, use the length of time it takes you back to a new ice age.
9) and I look at the photos on the albums of my friends. Which are identical to those that have already uploaded to Flickr, which were identical to those that were already loaded on Spaces Windows Live Messenger, which were identical to those that had already uploaded to MySpace, which were identical to those which had already loaded up Photobucket, which were identical to those that had already uploaded to Picasa, which were identical to those that ...
10) I have reached a new record loss of time behind an absolutely unnecessary and redundant in its functions, other than one thousand and one social network, which will soon (maximum two years) will be replaced by yet another site entirely identical, but more in vogue, that force me to resubscribe again, to put all my photos, to redo all the test of genius, to break the boxes again to all my friends and theirs.
Rereading this merciless decalogue, without hesitation, we realize how useful are the social networks in our society today. Maybe I can beat Moses to the finish line, adding to the eleventh point onorem that is the only positive in hindsight: I can talk to many people. Behind it, however, lurks the shadow of who actually signs up to Facebook because of the hormone - and there are many - and the terrible doubt that if I want to talk to someone to whom I wish, I ask, however, the contact Windows Live Messenger, even though we're both on Facebook, because let's face clearly, the Messenger is the only decent inventions that made Redmond, and it still works, it gives the possibility to manage your contacts in full freedom, is reliable and simple, without great pretensions. It performs its single task, the more useful connects people to each other, and does not become a pretentious system that would revolutionize the world, unfortunately without a minimum it takes to do so.
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