E 'panic, and rightly so, because these are serious matters, one way or another, even when they are clearly inflated.
Only, while Saviano does the rounds of television news, it takes pure 'or Sandokan, who sends letters from prison with his usual phlegm fake, fed by its essential arrogance, which in turn fed from being pinched on' honor, for those "slander" artfully scattered, apparently, by journalists and writers.
In my day, when the Mafia wanted to kill someone, he did just by maintaining a news blackout, without lectures, letters and advertisements broadcast worldwide with lots of jingle Rai. Saviano, who was at the center of the viewfinder was known, but he is certainly not the real problem of Casale, at this time. Are the surge of arrests of various girths, and even pieces of medium-large, the spread of the idea that perhaps the Camorra is not as invincible, and honorable as he wanted to believe, the belief that Casal di Principe is now the new Corleone , and that we must do everything possible to avoid reaching a new era of mafia like the one we were in Sicily up to the attacks, and Falcone Borsellino ... although now more people have died for Camorra (if you take an incurable disease) and for the bubonic plague of 1300.
Saviano is only partly responsible for all this, a small part, which covers most public opinion that the acts set in motion practical to counter the Camorra. It 'also true that it has the great merit of having opened my eyes to a reality too underground to shame, and that is why its stock close the deals. But the big bosses have more to think about. Their power is challenged, the Bidognetti and Schiavone have to fight with the power vacuum, the defections, the increase of the fight against their rule, the internal feuds. Francesco Schiavone sends letters to make the show, because the public does not know all the implications, and you can easily carry.
Whether true or not, there really is the project of an attack or no, Saviano is saying that I admire for what he has done for his courage, for having put into play as he was dressed in a uniform, but do not forget those that seriously divided the door, which are even younger than him and risk every day in person, who remain anonymous, and does not spare anyone ... Indeed, most of the time, they are to accompany the others.
If Saviano, a prisoner of his world, he wants to leave Italy, has all my sympathy, for many, many reasons that I am not here to enumerate. Everyone is entitled to his slice of normalcy, and Saviano is not trained to withstand the stress to stake their lives every day. His is the role of those who give words to deeds to ensure that these are known to all, from all those people who maybe do not realize, however, and that they will never fully understand the situation. It 's a major role, because ignorance is the mother of all misfortune, the tool they use people with no moral to manipulate the world, allied to the slandering of those who live illegally. This writer, both in pro and in contrast, is a reality to which Italy should not give up, but it is already under guard, and quite well protected, as were many people before him. You really can not do anything, and his desire to leave Italy is perhaps not a protest but a desire to start over. And if it is true that you can not even think to Italy and live there, this is sacrosanct, but it would be a brave decision for him to stay here, to show that you can not bend in front of twisted and deformed like the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Mafia, a abomination who is disfiguring our society for too long.
Saviano not wear a uniform, but wore the aura of one who speaks with the people, and sometimes it takes much more courage in this than in anything else.
Schiavone sorry if he did an about-face, it would make clear his intentions not to discover his relations still live with his clan. This, beyond any other information that emerged in this story should be further reflection.
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