could not go unnoticed initiative of Adria's new mayor, Massimo Barbujani, who recently launched a crackdown against those who beg in the streets of the beautiful city, jeopardizing public safety their insistent manner. prestigious institutes of Statistics estimated that the beggars are at Adria from "several hundred" to twelve thousand. Now invaded every street of a charming place bassopolesano, causing serious disturbance to young mothers and helpless children with their harassment and their poor hygiene.
equally eminent scientists endorse the methods undertaken by the Mayor Bobo useless to send a couple of brigades to walk for the city, in order to settle any disputes or deter rogues and pickpocket. Much more useful to the greedy beggars fed with fines of up to 500 €. You know, in fact, that the beggars cursed with the coins of the honest people will buy the Maserati and continue to do the fake poor. After success, inevitably, of the order, top secret sources in the Etruscan town we announce the coming of new provisions that will eliminate equally pernicious social ills from the root.
petulant children now on the Bambocci are warned. NO more noise, crowds and cries on soprano octaves. Passersby ask annoyed a crackdown. Will be granted exemption to continue playing football in his own way, but it will be absolutely forbidden to scream, cackle, call each other so noisy, cheering with no attitude. It rejoices in moderation. Woe to the street urchins that will start to whine like sissies and those who think they speak out because their mother buy the train. Similar attitudes can be sanctioned with fines of up to two thousand euro. The mother will not be the proper choice: to denounce her son to the police or pay for him.
Teens Pomicione outlaw
After the closing of the costly mangiasoldi youth center, comes another initiative to make clear to young men of the Etruscan city that is no longer time for quips and jokes. Are at home to study, instead of staggering around like-nothing around the city, his mind clouded by storms hormone. Fines of up to seven thousand euro and three years' imprisonment for couples who are not officially recognized languages \u200b\u200bwill be surprised to weave and stretch his hands under his T-shirts, with the aggravating circumstance if the shameful exhibition takes place on the benches of the community. Just overly affectionate with events that can cause serious disturbance in the population. This will encourage them to focus on the study or, on finding a job.
forbidden to be poor
The initiative is being examined by the Councillor for Social Services. Decades of doing good, in fact, have created great confusion in the country. Poverty and social exclusion, some people say sessantottino academics, should be solved by analyzing the causes, spread by promoting wellness, providing recovery paths. A craze that has made the paralysis of any policy to combat poverty. With the new decree, the poverty will be considered a crime, punishable by fines of up to five thousand euro and the expulsion from the municipal boundaries. A crackdown increasingly necessary in an age where information is exaggerated and tendentious lead them to use the economic crisis as a pretext to commit not to produce for the good of gross domestic product. Are being developed for the implementation of the order lines.
(from Monello Vianello, September 16, 2009)
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