Sunday, December 12, 2010

Death Of Cancer Quotes

Antonio Razzi, Italy of Values \u200b\u200bto Berlusconi. The anger of the Italians abroad

The facts are well known: Antonio Razzi last September, then Parliamentary IDV elected by Italians abroad in the Europe division, said that he had been approached by representatives of the center so that ' drop and give Italy of Values its support to the Berlusconi government. Rocket goes further, saying that in return it to the media had also been offered to have paid the mortgage of his house. In short, a bribe well and good. Not the first and not last if we look at the news these days, in which Italian politics and 'reduced to a cattle market. The twist, however, 'takes place in the last days when it declares that this Rockets' he had told about another interview and was not true, he was only joking. Nobody would have given any consideration to go with the center and a beautiful (so to speak) a sudden change of course announced that it intends to leave Italy of Values \u200b\u200band vote Berlusconi December 14. What a coincidence, and 'fair to say.
Antonio Rockets should have the decency to resign as a Member of respect for Italians abroad. And it 'This is the request that I made a statement published by various news agencies. I wonder if in fact there is a single voter who voted for him, the candidate of Italy of Values, thinking that he would one day could support a government led by Silvio Berlusconi. We are faced with a case of shameful betrayal of trust of the electorate.
I would like to add, and all witnesses are those who are part of IDV with me abroad, I always challenged the Rockets management of the party abroad. Management that perhaps he should be even more predictive than one way to understand the policy and not consonant with that of those he played with a party like the Italy of Values.


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