Here in the deep
is not hatred, it is not cold
neither rancor nor pain
is music and membership
drift and port
not bother my eyes.
Suspended, gliding
I lose myself and find myself
it is all over, nothing is past
everything is real, everything is a dream.
All I want to dream
bright eyes, slender hands
looks accomplices.
Nothing is lost, nothing
's all in me
who wants peace and voice
happiness and life
yours, my
divided but together, over the obstacle
who has imprisoned
the false perception
the passing of this time.
are only moments, moments are infinite
is just the heart, it's just soul
here on the only path
I could go.
No regrets, only great gratitude
and endless, endless
forgiveness and love in its broadest sense
I never believed it possible to know.
's me, I'm here.
Authentic and light.
Pure and purified.
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