Dear Brat Vianello,
his blog has long been a high page in the history of Italian literature of the last two centuries. As he writes has the merit of showing how culture, political culture devoid of colorings, is always at the service of truth, the dignity of man, of freedom, especially when the truth, the dignity of man and his own freedom are threatened by totalitarian ideologies and power an end in itself.
Art can take many different connotations, and writing can be the vehicles of very different emotions and themes between them can be a source of amusement, entertainment, sharing personal stories and much more. Of course writing is also suitable to be an instrument of social protest and the search for justice. When you combine the emotional factor, the ability to captivate the reader through the rhythm and style of the story and the will to unearth the terrible reality, then we have what I would call the "perfect marriage". When you can not mix these elements is achieved, even before all subsequent awards and earned his doctorate more important for a writer: the approval of the public.
If today I would like to write is because I admire his artistic and its moral fiber. I say again highlights to emphasize a departure from the dialectic of the insult and opposition that often, in our country, bring people to read a blog with deforming the mask of ideological bias. Nothing is further from the truth, and my personal training and also to suffer much character to the hype that feeds our political landscape and the programs that deal with it. So a blog is a model, the possibility of a writing, even humorous, that contributes to democratic growth in the country. Because the truth has no color, and a blog of satire unprejudiced and forcing is like a breath of fresh air like it when you leave a foul-smelling smoke.
conclude by saying what I said to a fellow writer, which I greatly appreciated the appearance on television some time ago: Italy will be able to become a modern country and civilian first cease if a creeping civil war, if they are less artificial political divisions, to give way to dialogue, listening, harmony and cooperation among all people of good will who are alike in all the political forces. I greet you with great esteem, Sandro Bondi Min
Dear Sandro,
hear praise my blog has awakened in me an old feeling: the desire to die. Receiving a compliment from you is high on the humiliation that I never thought of suffering in my life. However I decided to make me strong and overcome this tragic event, because I have not finished exploring human knowledge. To forget your letter, I shall deal with a theory recently examined by Dr. Arcadio sottopostami Hulot, an allergist Serb who has dedicated his life to studying the elderly stopped in front of the work in progress and has reached a disturbing conclusion: they are spies pay of a hostile power. Being constantly shadowed, roam while gathering information on us, we often stop in front of construction sites, pretending to look, giving himself instead look around to find out counterintelligence agents. But for those who work? Hulot says officials are Dubrkvoknia, the only state secret in the world. The League of Nations in 1940, he hid the existence of humanity will not work because the famous trick: think of a number from 1 to 10, add eight, divide by two, take the number thought to bind the result of a letter 'alphabet and letter to a Member. Get the next letter and think of an animal and a color of that animal. Whoever put the quiz, at one point exclaimed, "But there are no gray elephants in Denmark!", Pretending to have guessed all three things you think. But in many cases someone replied: "In fact I thought the beige ermine Dubrkvoknia.
short, older workers looking for work are actually secret agents dubrkvkniaci. Is it true? I have a lifetime to find out, that is just over six months, to hear my doctor.
by Monello Vianello, November 29, 2009
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