THE BIG UNIT HISTORY 'of the Po Valley: The second episode
-2) The cave of Milius (translation for the League Polesine: the cave does not mean anything, but cave, cave or a dark and mysterious) lived near the village Umburrt where he resided with his family in a shack badly sheltered such a Milius, an old hairless and hieratic, which was honored by the people as a mystic and sage. Predicted the future by reading the crusts the pot of polenta and taragna of this field.
theories of a past time when the Celtic peoples were united in a confederation that was great from the icy seas of the north and populated by magnapatate dall'aringa infumegà sapiens, to the warm lands where they lived animals such as Elephants fabulous and mysterious, a sort of hairless mammoth booths closed as the dancers or the "el leon reunites magna moron", a cat that ate hypertrophic moretti naked, just the exact contrariio of what was going on among the tribes of Berici or Camuni that whipped the cats in goat milk and / or if you Pappano roasted on the grill.
power Celtic in Milius stories, touching the shores of Marone, the present Atlantic Ocean, and came to the lands of the yellow men (because pissed against the wind, the Supreme asserted) that they could live in 150 in the same room, working 24 hours Silca day to produce the precious and apparently did not die at all (some well-informed was heavy allusions to the content of their favorite dish: the avvoltino spring).
These and other wonders told, the defendants in his cave, on a dark night lit only by torches, tallow and fragrance of precious poo dried pork, which, besides being used to light was also the main insulating to the huts. A Milius
shining eyes especially when, with emphasis, inatteneva the most credulous and children with municipal issues such as federalism or the story of the golden past without taxes (although no one knew what they were, there were no taxes Chassanh Magnaghi). Most people, for these stories, the taragna honored with polenta, muffins wheat mixed in lard and portions of cassoeula, other, more seasoned, ruthlessly and openly spoke of "teresina runaway."
At this holy man, for his charisma, he decided to turn the Umburrt of Bossie, named after the mother's nickname, with a clear idea: to give life to the Pharaoh of the Celts. Followed by Marun Du
exposures and is Calderunk visited the sage Milius an afternoon in late spring when the flowers of "brusacul" peeking in the clearings of the forest. The old seer exposed his idea in detail. Milius was silent for about an hour in apparent meditation (the accomplice had dozed off and the summer warmth pre cassoeula pounds of polenta that had swallowed at lunch) and all of a sudden brightening after issuing a burp and fart a powerful stench dall'immondo Finally he spoke: "And to me that it?"
The three heroes as Celtic looked taken aback, but not giving themselves to losers, the offers began. Du spoke Marun, trinkets with Zebedee's flute was his constant companion: "You'll have the post of honorary father of the country and High Priest of the order of the Pyramid funeral"
"Sorry, a bit 'and a little bit' to jinx" - the old man said, touching his balls. It was then the turn of Calderunk. He rolls his eyes and said, "Your name will be given to all schools of the pharaoh and all children will learn and will honor your name and your deeds"
"Ugh, complaining" - railed Milius - "I speak of substance , of concrete things, not the ephemeral honors! And then the schools, but you know that most people are ignorant, the better? Learning does not do shit and wastes the time, this is the first message that you pass: the world is ignorant. And even the rich, though, so, what do you offer? "
Here Umburrt succeeded. Addressing his companions said: "I told you or not that the old man was a great Paraculo?" And again: "Well Milius, you'll have an unlimited supply of food until the end of your days, a wooden hut with 50 rooms that we will build in black slaves Dacians, a new dress bearskin that good Calderunk need to kill (Calderunk exploded out of his eyes from his face and his cheeks turned a vivid purple) and the daily visit of a carer for eighteen the rite of bunga-bunga, okay? "
"This is music to my ears" - said the Supreme - "But I also want to dress it in a wolf's skin (a Caldetunk smoke came out from his ears and took a more stupid than usual) and the caregiver has to change at least once a week. "
" Round "- convinced Umburrt said -" What do we do now? "
" You Nothing "- ruled the bald storyteller -" I begin to tell gullible ones of my guests that the Confederation of Clubs Celtic peoples reborn when elected, the man who has it always hard, and will prove to be the son of a man and a woman come from far away. "
" According to me "- went on Milius -" It would be the case, however, to find a bank somewhere else, somewhere far away that no tribe has warlike intentions, but is easily tamed. I know a Celtic druid of the Veneto, this Tonik Gentilinh, adept of the cult of fermented juniper berries, which, when abused, is about a thing called secession, it is not clear what it is, to sink the Phoenician ships which go back because it says the Eridanus extraceltici that come to steal our jobs and women. It listens to its people. The man who does the job. "
" Very good, then that paves the way we think about ourselves, even make contact with Tonik. "- Umburrt smiled.
"Sorry" - said with a grudge Calderunk - "Why the bear and the wolf must hunt me?" The
came fast on a stick a foot that made him wince and howl like, just a wolf in love.
Milius portrayed his staff with whom he had struck the hyperthyroid and, assuming an air vaticinante uttered: "For it is written in the stars."
"Ah .... So ... "- composing Calderunk said. The three Celtic
recovered output from the antrum saluting the old crook. Just outside looked into his eyes met, they gave five and walked trotted into the village. The adventure could begin valley and it would be their heroes.