why gays can not give blood! New
Even hospitals than three hundred and Adria fags can not donate blood. A decision has angered the Arcigay and a handful of decent people. The Health Authority defends himself by saying that Recchioni are a high risk because Pinciano with anyone who happens to shoot without using a condom, unlike heterosexual category strictly monogamous. But the explanation does not convince everyone. We asked for an enlightened opinion to Dr. Getulio Galassi (pictured), former employee of this blog, now an improper exercise of the profession pathologist. We met at Parco Natura Viva in Verona. Here's what he revealed, before disappearing mysteriously in the vicinity of the pool of crocodiles.
Dr. Galassi, many question the explanation that queens spend days and nights so promuscuo to mate with other men and maybe even animals. What do you think?
This is the reasoning adopted by the Italian Episcopal Conference. The basic principle is that heterosexual people who have intimate relations and only in the sphere of monogamous marriage, with the sole purpose of procreation, lead a healthy lifestyle and are less prone to venereal diseases. The pederasts, however, being unnatural, are subject to various forms of infection, which should be understood not simply as physical illnesses to be cured, but as the just vengeance of God for the offense arrecatagli. It is not a reliable scientific basis, but an indisputable truth of faith.
But there are also scientific reasons? There are precedents
disturbing. The Health Authority has been limited to providing the explanation protocol, but I could give me a case happened just a year and a half ago, Mr. Clovis F., a distinguished lawyer nearly eighty years, without knowing who received the blood of a fag. Clovis was a very formal man, passionate shades of gray and collector of first editions of the works of twilight, with a particular passion for those of Corrado Govoni. After the donation has started to shave his chest and wearing shirts scollacciate, bought dozens of tight trousers and sequins and got into the habit of going to the hairdresser every month to change hairstyle. The family came out destroyed.
you are saying that homosexuality is contagious?
course, is a disease and is transmitted through blood, saliva and droppings! This was to say, the Health Authority. If a Recchione donates his blood to infect the heterosexual and turns it into a fag. Why do you think so many prominent politicians decent suddenly have taken the habit of doing coke party with the trans?
So for her the categories eligible to donate blood should be restricted?
Undoubtedly. Think about the EU. Meanwhile it is a matter of feeling: how does it feel to find a decent man who put the body in the blood from a nigga? And then there's another controversial case of a few years ago. A boy Pincara received plasma from a Kenyan and from that day he started playing the bongos all day and dance capoeira. Parents had to shoot it down.
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