In times of crisis you know, and ' better to save. Cosi 'does not work but' by the parties of the center. Yesterday in fact the minister Maroni has announced that it 'the government to act so that' the referendum on such failure, the privatization of water and the return to nuclear power, conducted June 12 and on 15 May, or during the same day of local elections that will cover many cities' Italian, including Naples and Milan. Together into an election day local elections with the referendum would mean a saving to the State, that is all we citizens of modest, so to speak, the sum of 300 million euro. That the savings would be in that order numbers, many actually speak of 350 million €, I agree everyone, so let's figure this for good. And try to imagine how many things the government could do with 300 million Euros could be assigned to the field of culture and entertainment, whose funds were literally the last financial ground, may be used to support projects and investments in research and developing world, where Italy and, 'surprise surprise the English say, bringing up the rear than in France, Germany, UK, USA and so' way, or could be partly used to restore funding ALMOST 'cleared for 'teaching Italian language abroad as well 'as the maintenance of certain consular posts in Europe and the rest of the world but will already' closed within the year.
The government, in times of crisis, decided to spend these funds for one reason only: to make 'that does not reach a quorum, or who go to vote on the destination' more 'of an Italian citizen, that would make the vote valid referendum. Among the referendum questions you and 'the fact that such failure to do so scared because Berlusconi' proposes the repeal of the law just passed by parliament on a personal basis. Hence the decision not to merge and referendum vote in local elections and, make no mistake, the silencer will be 'put to art of all the instruments of (dis) information, public television, newspapers and private, so that' we all face in the coming weeks, except to mention the date of the referendum and questions on which Italian citizens are called to speak.
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