Monday, March 7, 2011

Smoke From Self Cleaning Oven

word to Veronica Lario, "My moral issue"

Today is International Women's Day and also celebrates the Ghenga, proposing one of the best interviews with a woman, Veronica Lario, an icon of feminism in the twenty-first century, leaders of the left antiberlusconismo woman of all 'a piece, with some added piece with plastic surgery, beloved by feminists to have dropped the prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, on payment of an avalanche of money. Silvio was right: "Young ladies, married a billionaire." And then divorced, if possible.
While the prime minister you have a happy old age a bachelor, she a woman Veronica, situated in the villa Macherio, is still a point of reference for those seeking answers about the plight of women in the days ours. Our collaborator Olympian Olimpiodrom has reached on the phone last fall. Here is the interview.

Good evening, Mrs. Lario. E 'cap in hand to the phone, I apologize for any inconvenience CAUSED. I realize that maybe this time she was in front of the fireplace, burning photos and thinking of his marriage soon failed ...
No, no. Just imagine, I was shitting, but that does not write it, eh. (Laughs)

And why should not I write it? Adds a touch of humanity to his role as former showgirl wife rebuilt an old rich man decadent. In fact, I'm sure she does a poo in a toilet bowl of platinum with precious stones. Must be a streak of shit like a toilet by a million €, knowing that people out there pulling the strap to pay the mortgage.
Excuse me, but what questions do?

was to warm the atmosphere. I go with the interview. So you has recently received an avalanche of money for food after having divorced her husband, Silvio Berlusconi. Do not you feel a bit 'sad?
Oh, sure, let my husband has not been easy. But, as I've written several times about the Republic, there are things that a woman can not tolerate.

Exactly, I'm sorry to interrupt you now. Summary of thumb, her husband says that as an entrepreneur has always escaped taxation, corrupt judges, mafia connections and obtained laws ad personam by the political world not to close the television networks. As a politician, as well as I do not know how many have passed laws to help himself shame and encourage the dishonest, he promoted tax amnesties for evaders, launched blatantly racist immigration laws, devastated the public schools, bitten several times the rights of workers and, if not worse, led us to war against Afghanistan and Iraq. But she has not started to put up more when he discovered that the boy was making a political career that sucked him, which among other things also happened at the time of penta. What does it say?
not understand the question.

The question is: she has great strength, or his moral sense is shocked when her husband more palpable than her tits to minors when he declares war on another country?
But that has to do, here is dance in a matter of defending the rights of women. My speech and concerned about the idea of \u200b\u200bwomen in the country that my ex-husband is building. A concept that a woman like me, intellectually free, can not ...

Yes, yes, interesting. Free intellectually and lips swollen with botox in sleeve. Look here, 'she collects from this divorce entire villa and three hundred thousand euros per month. Do you think being a model of success?
Well ... Today, as a woman ... (Here the Lario was saying something but we are distracted. However, in summary it was something like "I think it was a symbol" and "I think I have awakened the conscience of the country," and so on. After twenty minutes, the Lario became aware that the interviewer was not listening and put the phone down. We tried to call her five hours later, but had two in the morning and threatened to call the police).


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