Sunday, January 30, 2011

If I Put Oragel On Penis

tired and pale
apparent mind-
restless and overwhelmed
mysterious mind-
victim and victimizer
clear and intangible
I mirror elusive
in puddles of water rolling

stagnant and new
came to bless
this live deep
built on sand
at the mercy of 'concern
but gently rocked
a whisper voice
love for love
pure and unconditional
that knows no time
and it is here and now

Sunday, January 23, 2011

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Pavese Blessing for me

I continue to reread in my books
consumed by the passage of the eyes
and the emphasis wrong.
And it's always there in the deep
anxious soul
then stops his bright mind.
And that's where I shake
I awakened from the torpor
and get that sense of being directed
full and tormented that crosses the limit
a simple and trivial breath
we persist in call life.
And not only is his writing that word
is the full meaning of the word
that comes alive
concrete and tangible.
That becomes a question, and who wants to answer
that turns strong in research and ferment
tears and deep pain
(since no real existence is without pain).
And cry, especially
together and refusal
and vital torment.
And there's no surrender, never
because you are not overcome by disappointment
failures or even extreme choices
that this involuntary journey sometimes requires
the delicate souls offended.
struck and lost
(walking dead)
if you have never yearned
seeking the meaning of a full existence
glossy and real
cleared and released from the disaffection of the waiver.
If there has ever rebelled
opposing the resignation
its uncomfortable idea
its conscious awareness
rotten around us
of superficiality that limits us
and all the wonder that we are given
if only we hold
( also a moment)
because a minute is our way.
And it's all there
in his books
in his poems in his translations

in his lost love
perhaps never found
(but still stubbornly tried).
E 'its all there
in its vision of suffering Beauty
simple and universal.
Pavese in life ; ;
life in Pavese
bright light that illuminates and enlivens
my steps slow.
Ben is another surrender.
quite another thing to be dead.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Thank You Poems In Wedding Programs

'and horns and re dinars

De quannu to 'ssu scaràzzu cc'è ttrasutu
' Nu jìencu niuru, vicchiaturu natural,
massaru 'Ntoni which was 'nnu' ncamatu,
Cumu fo ', cumulative' u 'ffo' has run arricchiscìutu.

'E purcìne all’urdìche hadi jittatu
E re scarpe de sola s’ha mmintutu;
‘Na gamma supra l’autra ha ‘ncavarcatu
E ffuma ‘nnu zicarru ogne mminutu.

    Iu me sugnu ccussi mmaravigliatu
Ch‘a ‘nnu cagnuolu crozzu haju diciutu:
 - Cum‘ha ffattu ‘ssu facci d’ammazzatu?

Cagnuolu, ch 'is' nn'arùculu fujutu,
' A cow vastardara me mmustratu
E: - Re Corne on 'dd'oru! - ddiciutu me!

Glossary: \u200b\u200b
scarazzu: stable Jiencu: vicchiaturu bull: bull 'ncamatu: hungry purcine: leather sandals Pork
ùrdica: nettle alone: \u200b\u200bsole zicarru: cigar crozzu: mastiff aruculu: scoundrel

Friday, January 21, 2011

A Good Thesis On Abortion


The nth scandals in recent days, they see once again involved with Silvio Berlusconi, throw more mud on the image of our country abroad. What emerges again and 'paralyzed and in an Italy that is not a degradation' only political but also cultural and social. Italy now seems to be a drug addict subculture made up of trash television, news programs that are anything but 'absolute lack of information and healthy values. It seems an Italy addicted to a status quo that should instead provoke indignation and protest. If a prime minister and 'under investigation, has a clear obligation to go to clarify its position by the prosecutors and not to declare with a video message, worthy of a dictatorial country, that judges must be punished.

I invite you to read and spread this appeal I hope you will want to sign and circulate among your friends and Italian friends who live abroad.

The title of this letter to our Pease and 'ITALY AWAY

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Do You Have To Soak Porridge Oats


Then the words came out
like crazy
and began
to go ahead
uncertain and unknown
so I was afraid.
But it was urgent
strong and irrepressible
for them
was time
to go, wander
exposure, multiply
and be infected.
was time
the right
fill sheets
leave troubles
show the vision, the dream
illusion and disillusion.
So no possibility to postpone the
(and perhaps never)
revolution was
intimate and fierce
war and peace.
We had to go
show courage
if there was.
I had
assist them with humility and gratitude.
And only after I smile.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

# I-catcher Console - Web Monitor Inn

A fravetta and ru palluttinu - The warbler and the ball

A fravetta and ru palluttinu

A top soprano ra
De nu de pede milinciana figs,
It cc'eradi Pusata na fravetta
cchiu ggrassa de na quail
and CCU ru pizziciellu, nCut nCut,
Grubba ll'utre de na ficazzana.

Nu piezzu de rogue
Catch nna scuppetta
De chille old throws a
E nna bbotta the jetta.

Cade ra fravittella
still live dementia llà bbicinu
Ppecchì nnu palluttinu
This is a re rristatu mpinciutu vudella.

-Scilliratu! Assassinu!
Brigand! Priputente!
'A t'avìa ffattu tion -
The fravetta ra says - and mm'hai ammazzatu. -
   - Ma cchi cce curpu iu? —
   Le fa ru palluttinu.
   - Te cridi ca trasutu’ a ssu stintine
  Iu ti cce sugnu ppe ppiacire miu?

‘A curpa è dde chilllu
Chi tira ru grillu! —

Friday, January 14, 2011

Quotes By King Kamehameha

Transformation (en route to route)

It 's like moving
moves with cautious
the edges of the soul
not to make noise
listening to my breath.
's like a secret invitation
a letter waiting
a voice crying
a word asking
killed in a crash
aborted by desires.
It 's like anxiety
a constant lament
lips closed
my hands folded.
It is like a flight failure
the fall some
the skinned knees
dried my tears.
It 's like a black sky
swollen and menacing storm
that comes in a flash
no apparent reason.

So rest in apnea
just enough
wait until it passes the thunder
that magically
be recomposed
the my ego shattered.
E opens new
the disarming charm
and I return journey
dream utopia.
happens, like this.
Other I do not know and do not want to know.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Primolut N For Delaying Periods

' A Surace and nnianu ru - the bean and wheat

‘A suraca e ru nnianu

In Surace screanzata
Intra component was 'ncriccata
A' NNU seeks to nnianu
Chi crisco naked mmienzu chjanu.

E lli s' was
Ncatturatu 'and manera,
Do' Pidal ra banner
Ch'ar'affrittu ad Ogné ggiru,
Le limped rispiru ru.

- O Sura, said nnianu,
'U strincìre ccussì fforte!
ppiatà EPP, is chjanu chjanu
Ca nno me is to mmorte manni! -

- 'A sa' mmai! Ca cumulative fazzu.
Nu 'bbulennu is t'ammazzu? -
- If you understand, 'a cummene you ...
Pue, the NNW, chine to TENE?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Who Made The Sv2000 Dvd Player

Chasing waves of thoughts
that show then
processed in mild words
vigilant and precise
sheets resting on immaculate
meticulously painted.
scent of vanilla
but with a bitter aftertaste.
Crunchy under the tongue
loving and stimulating to the palate.
only briefly imprisoned
and then: off to free wink
without a shadow of shame.
finished painting.
Heart prejudice.

Friday, January 7, 2011

How To Overcome Cat Allergies

Pictures of this and much more I learned

I'm still doing laundry in my own way.
But in a different way.
After washing clothes and lying
move the drying rack from the kitchen
to the bedroom and shut the door.
I like that perfume
forcefully invade the room of dreams
so in an almost intangible
recreate the sense of smell through the individual moments lived
of the everyday life gone.
then remain there for a while ',
smell and think.
inhale noise, windows fogged,
capped hills, books piled up.
speeches I get suspended, questions hanging in the balance,
smiling eyes, his hands busy.
They descend by parachute stolen kisses, I
popular voices whispered in his ear,
are laid flat on the bed
melancholy and fears asleep.
temporarily neutralized.
of this and much more
I sometimes flickers in the middle, between the soul and the senses,
knew that her gratitude,
I said and say over and over again
in this infinite time and void.
But only when the sound reach your ears,
that they can not but my own feeling,
words finally take flight.
It will be peace and at the same salvation.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

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I learned
that love turns
in its many forms
and its transformation
becomes universal and eternal
miracle becomes unconditional.
I learned
that we are pure spirit
long before they flesh
and that we are modulated voice
long before they cry.
I learned
that beauty hurts and scares
and dangerously charming
ethereal and eternal.
I've learned that mistakes should be love
and that the error is a constant
the path of all of us
humanly beautiful in our imperfection.
I learned
that only the surplus is lost, the useless shell
the main thing is circular and back
not stop never to return, even if it bleeds.
I learned
that kindred souls chasing
and meet again, However
for always coming home
along the only way they know
essential that the dream
shared and shared, regardless.

Now I will try to heal the wound.

Daylight Gained Per Day


August 21, 2008, Santo Stefano Belbo, Langa, Pavese.
I walked the narrow streets and crossed the square to climb the stairs leading to the Foundation Cesare Pavese.
there among his books, his letters, his dreams and his memories, to me that I love him so deeply, as it was near and with him Nuto, Silvia, Irene, Cinto and Masino.
And Langa out there was not only earth and sky, but became a vineyard and home, a sense of belonging, sweat and perfumes, and roaring curses of humanity trampled.
becomes life, tormented life, life that does not bend, that life is not lost, even when it ends.
And all had a sense, at least so it seemed.
Everything made sense, every experience, every moment spent or live, every tear, every expectation, every departure had his box.
Here, suddenly everything was fine: we had just breathe and let go of your heart, let it beat faster, and more, and then open it.
So are the memories come in waves, rivers, lightning, so many that I could not contain them.
Then came the quiet, in a moment watching his eyes moved to my mother I felt strong and my roots are back home.
"Life must be lived far from the village, it enjoys and profits and then when you come back as me in forty years is entirely new. The Langhe is not lost "Pavese wrote in" The South Seas. "
And he was right.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hogwarts Blueprint Map

definitely not lost Slow

This absence is real
but are not real
your hands
not shake
E not even your real
smile that never again shall see
This absence is final
definitely lost
is the sound of your voice
definitely missing
the light of your smile
deceased and Final Touch
we approached
The word that fervent
Everything here is real time
final and late
Only perception
of what for me were you
And finding
of what I've become
(just as you wanted, right?)
Maintain high feeling
and push me
the flesh to the spirit
Towards a world
through memories
and thanks to them
allows me to continue
to interact with you
in an ongoing dialogue
always know where
to answer questions
But today I feel too strong physical absence
E I would stoop so
kiss your forehead
sleep and be woken

(at least)
from your shiny
and loving
definitely lost

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the impossible
the passage
and becoming, in the actual

of impending
which we would like
an infinite path,
that meeting
I think

always too slow.
Too waiting to pass.
Or be gone.

Arabic Words Condolence


I'm jealous, jealous
of the words that I receive
but especially those
distribute it cautiously.
I am suspicious,
I have too many questions
and useless answers
dancing in my mind.
I'm curious,
I endeavor to seek
the search for the
and a 'desirable correspondence
that enchants me
dragging me.
are careful,
extent the data looks
and received.
are in continuous motion,
pass because I believe in infinite
and I know that being here and now
is already leading me beyond the limit
are vulnerable
and that is why I spend
sparingly tears.
Because I believe in the sense of proportion
in weight
are deeply vulnerable,
and my vulnerability
sharp angles
And I know the reverse.
carefully preserving
as a secret.
Magic and unspeakable

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

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The world changes in

write freely
me slightly and I empty
Leggo imprisoning
profoundly and fills me
give and receive
say and listen
with all this world
in turmoil
that beats inside

inevitably decline and offset
vain and worldly.

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Yesterday I had dead eyes clouded with tears
Today I live lips of honey and meat
legs moving The listening heart

open arms
Oceans of thoughts and memories revolve in the mind magic

between confusion and clarity
When you appear to me clear

And it is strong all the way

you gave me through your apparent nonsense
drunk on words and voice.
and "feel" the strong essence transmitted

ever lost And even if no smell of
do not know the distance, believe me
Because the distances are further and have no fragrance.
And all that remains is the journey and return the love.
New and refurbished.

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Much further down the apparent sense

lost time and lost moments that move
stir joints
Grinding and reassembling dreams
useless but necessary to understand that everything is right here and now
But I know that the eyes, the eyes Shame they do not know
and consume instinct and truth
reflecting swollen hearts inclined to love.
The items we have betrayed the other hand, formed in parade
without any decency.
Will we finally be silent if you do not end up the eternal value, the nuances
rough, strength and courage which still contain.
If we fail to find their beauty, their uniqueness, their authenticity
through the commotion due to come to our senses.
Further down, a lot more down the apparent sense.

Monday, January 3, 2011

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Back (from house to house)

Go with your eyes over morning
children of rebels hidden behind closed doors
Shine the light and live in the green hills enchanted
Then stop and let emerge a sense of fatigue
let it grow and then move
and try to go too, leaving a vacuum
Away from here to where and when
no more weight, light, light.
breathe and watch the morning traffic,
feel inside and outside, eliminating the unnecessary and superfluous.
Giving a name to everything
The real meaning at every turn
due weight to the words
learn not to betray all the love you carry inside A non
never betray
no mess, no false matches
without unnecessary pretension.
Focus unbridgeable distances and moving on.
Then wait quietly in the evening to go back to dreaming again.

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A uncertain steps I walk on the pavement glistening
rain falls in buckets of tears as dreams emptied from the sky.
My heart is beating at full pace, rocked by rumors, further, in the background.
I know that the departures are often involuntary and travel one-way on trains
anonymous and that each return at the end is not that, it's just that becomes our new, filtered from the blood.
Everything revolves inside my head, everything comes together and becomes undone, everything falls and then fly higher.
I do not know where and if I stop to rest, maybe tomorrow, right here.
But I do not care.
I just keep going and keep all the beauty unearthed everywhere.
killing time, waiting for the sun.

Card For Close Friend

pass the time reading words in italics

These small words fly in the air and spinning in the mind
do you live, stop on a sheet,
whisper in the ear of someone, if ever.
not always express what we expected to hear
sometimes stumble in what we wanted to say.
merge troubled because, without an idea of \u200b\u200b
then. But who knows
nuances is beyond fantastic images
intent to open up horizons varied openings, doors open wide to see
inevitable uncertainties.
And especially why the journey continues.
But if the seed germinates around damn
of silence that feeds the empty
the flow stops. and we do little.
Useless-returnable bottles, nothing else.

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read Saramago is like throwing the words in my head and let them wander until they reach the furthest drifts, the most secret recesses of the soul, incandescence excited, chase and get confused , we recognize and abandon.
and then re-united, clear and compelling, real uncertainty of the paths of the mind.
Thus, as in life.

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From head

Clouds that paint the sky without unnecessarily
Absence burning, as parched earth
thud of silence fell in, terrible in its stability
Mani lost, slipping inexorably away
item is lost, forgotten song of the heart
Street lost, cold and shivering
Vago transition into an inconsistent where
Dried plant , indomitable and tortured lament
vacuum that eats the soul Never
home, never love, never

And then start all over from head

Sunday, January 2, 2011

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In memory

No hurry
Small steps as a dance

crossing the market in the most beautiful country in the world and small

hands of a woman pushing a cart with grace
the saucepan on the stove and the house smelling

And the hills outside the window
Beyond the tower
further towards the horizon
And the reassuring smile And
words alive and beautiful
And the poem gestures and soul
And many beloved books
and lips stained red lipstick
No hurry
thoughts in flight and life on the run in the dust and feelings

turmoil in that flood the heart
and inevitably the pain for all
always shared, always
is something eternal, time
Scary and beautiful
Without space and breath
Locked definitely
Along with the tears inside that damn heartbreaking