Friday, January 14, 2011

Quotes By King Kamehameha

Transformation (en route to route)

It 's like moving
moves with cautious
the edges of the soul
not to make noise
listening to my breath.
's like a secret invitation
a letter waiting
a voice crying
a word asking
killed in a crash
aborted by desires.
It 's like anxiety
a constant lament
lips closed
my hands folded.
It is like a flight failure
the fall some
the skinned knees
dried my tears.
It 's like a black sky
swollen and menacing storm
that comes in a flash
no apparent reason.

So rest in apnea
just enough
wait until it passes the thunder
that magically
be recomposed
the my ego shattered.
E opens new
the disarming charm
and I return journey
dream utopia.
happens, like this.
Other I do not know and do not want to know.


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