Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mahabringan Oil For Hair Is Good

I learned
that love turns
in its many forms
and its transformation
becomes universal and eternal
miracle becomes unconditional.
I learned
that we are pure spirit
long before they flesh
and that we are modulated voice
long before they cry.
I learned
that beauty hurts and scares
and dangerously charming
ethereal and eternal.
I've learned that mistakes should be love
and that the error is a constant
the path of all of us
humanly beautiful in our imperfection.
I learned
that only the surplus is lost, the useless shell
the main thing is circular and back
not stop never to return, even if it bleeds.
I learned
that kindred souls chasing
and meet again, However
for always coming home
along the only way they know
essential that the dream
shared and shared, regardless.

Now I will try to heal the wound.


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