Monday, January 10, 2011

Primolut N For Delaying Periods

' A Surace and nnianu ru - the bean and wheat

‘A suraca e ru nnianu

In Surace screanzata
Intra component was 'ncriccata
A' NNU seeks to nnianu
Chi crisco naked mmienzu chjanu.

E lli s' was
Ncatturatu 'and manera,
Do' Pidal ra banner
Ch'ar'affrittu ad Ogné ggiru,
Le limped rispiru ru.

- O Sura, said nnianu,
'U strincìre ccussì fforte!
ppiatà EPP, is chjanu chjanu
Ca nno me is to mmorte manni! -

- 'A sa' mmai! Ca cumulative fazzu.
Nu 'bbulennu is t'ammazzu? -
- If you understand, 'a cummene you ...
Pue, the NNW, chine to TENE?


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