Pavese Blessing for me
I continue to reread in my books
consumed by the passage of the eyes
and the emphasis wrong.
And it's always there in the deep
anxious soul
then stops his bright mind.
And that's where I shake
I awakened from the torpor
and get that sense of being directed
full and tormented that crosses the limit
a simple and trivial breath
we persist in call life.
And not only is his writing that word
is the full meaning of the word
that comes alive
concrete and tangible.
That becomes a question, and who wants to answer
that turns strong in research and ferment
tears and deep pain
(since no real existence is without pain).
And cry, especially
together and refusal
and vital torment.
And there's no surrender, never
because you are not overcome by disappointment
failures or even extreme choices
that this involuntary journey sometimes requires
the delicate souls offended.
struck and lost
(walking dead)
if you have never yearned
seeking the meaning of a full existence
glossy and real
cleared and released from the disaffection of the waiver.
If there has ever rebelled
opposing the resignation
its uncomfortable idea
its conscious awareness
rotten around us
of superficiality that limits us
and all the wonder that we are given
if only we hold
( also a moment)
because a minute is our way.
And it's all there
in his books
in his poems in his translations
in his lost love
perhaps never found
(but still stubbornly tried).
E 'its all there
in its vision of suffering Beauty
simple and universal.
Pavese in life ; ;
life in Pavese
bright light that illuminates and enlivens
my steps slow.
Ben is another surrender.
quite another thing to be dead.
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